Monday, March 18, 2019

My Worst Investment Ever Podcast: How Currencies Can Crush Return in Good Stocks

In my research and investing I stress three things: people, structure, and value.  I look for companies that are controlled and managed by quality people, have corporate structures that align minority and majority shareholder interests and trade at valuations that are below fair value if not outright cheap.

Instead of writing something original as I usually do, this post is a link to an interview I did with Andrew Stotz for his very informative My Worst Investment Ever podcast. It can be accessed here: My Worst Investment Ever: Episode 39 - How Currencies Can Crush Returns in Good Stocks

In it I discuss how my overconfidence, after successfully investing in Greece and other places, led to me to lose money in Ukraine because I was not patient enough. 

More information about many of the topics discussed in the podcast can be found in previous posts:

Andrew kindly created the following artwork.  Many thanks to him and his team for doing such a professional job.