In my research and investing I stress three things: people, structure, and value. I look for companies that are controlled and managed by quality people, have corporate structures that align minority and majority shareholder interests and trade at valuations that are below fair value if not outright cheap.
Instead of writing something original as I usually do, this post is a link to an interview I did recently with Graham Rhodes for his very informative Longriver podcast. It explains why I look for out-of-favor markets that are trading at what could be generational low prices (value), and also provides insight into how I determine quality (people and structure). I’ve been using this investment style personally and professionally for about 10 years and think it’s the best way to invest long-term. It’s not for everyone of course so please see the disclaimer/caveats notice below.
Many thanks to Graham Rhodes for having me on and conducting such a great interview. Longriver is a must follow podcast. It’s available on a variety of apps and at the following link:
Normal caveats apply: This is in no way investment advice nor does
it make any recommendations. It’s just
for informational and entertainment purposes. I may or may not have financial
interests in the companies mentioned.